I'm going to continue my search for the answer. I know some of these are obvously not going to give me the answer I am looking for, but I figure one of the HttpServletRequest parameters has got to tell me how I got to this page. String servletPath = request.getServletPath() Integer serverPort = request.getServerPort() String serverName = request.getServerName() String sessionID = request.getRequestedSessionId() String uriString = request.getRequestURI() String remoteAdd = request.getRemoteAddr() String getUserName = request.getRemoteUser() String pathTranslated = request.getPathTranslated() These are the the paramater i have looked at: I have checed out a lot of the request parameters, but non tell me, yes, you were directed from page, 'somePage'. How do I get back to the, 'somePage' webpage? How does the login page know the page that requested it?
the login page has successfully logged me in. I type in my name and password and they are both correct. So i click on the log-in link on the 'somePage' and get redirected to the 'login' page. I want to log in using another servlet, 'login' servlet. Lets say I am on a servlet webpage, 'somePage'.